
West Harbour Open Data

Open data catalog

Following open data is available for West Harbour and Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab. This catalog presents all data sources opened by Arctic Machine Oy / Infotripla. Due to the development project environment data coverage, quality etc. will be improving when more data sources are available.

Helsinki D2Light service: the used source are the traffic announcements published by professional users using a dedicated web-portal for that purpose. This information is collected and published as a dedicated Helsinki D2Light Service which provides published D2Light messages by request.

At the moment data covers West Harbour area and it's surroundings.

  • Data format: JSON
  • Standard: D2Light
  • Maintainance: City of Helsinki/Arctic Machine Oy (Infotripla)


Real time and forecasted route suggestions out from the harbour area. The data includes information for car and heavy traffic. Route suggestions are based on data sources available which may cause some unreliability due to data sources available.

  • Data format: JSON
  • Standard: No
  • Maintainance: Arctic Machine Oy / Infotripla


Forecast +30 minutes

The query parameter 'modality' may be used to filter the results. For example, gives the route forecast for the car traffic (1). The value '2' is used for the heavy traffic.

Measured amount of outbound traffic from the Helsinki West Harbour exits (2 exits; heavy vehicles and other vehicles). Due to the infrastructure developments in the harbour area, temporary exit routes for outbound traffic may occasionally be used causing lack of measuring data.

  • Data format: JSON
  • Standard: No
  • Maintainance: Arctic Machine Oy / Infotripla


The messages related to arriving or arrived vessels are created based on data available on vessel state and vehicles leaving the vessel. This means that messages are based on interpreted data. The messages include information on the arriving vessels and vehicles entering Tyynenmerenkatu. Three types of messages are available:

  • Estimated vessel arrival time appr. 5 minutes before the arrival. Message type: SHIP_ARR_EST
  • Estimated time when vehicles entering Tyynenmerenkatu. Message type: SHIP_RUSH_START
  • Estimated time when the last vehicle has entered Tyynenmerenkatu. Message type: SHIP_RUSH_END

API request restrictions

Firstly, vessel arrival messages (3 pcs per vessel) are only generated close to the vessel's arrival at Länsisatama. Data to create new messages are checked appr. at a rate of once per minute. Therefore, the maximum query frequency allowed for API requests is twice per minute.

API details

  • Data format: JSON
  • Standard: No
  • Maintainance: Arctic Machine Oy / Infotripla

The query parameter 'mins' (minutes) may be used to filter the results. The value given is the history period in minutes from the current time. If this parameter is omitted, the default value of 60 min is used.

Example query to fetch messages created within 360 minutes:

The following example JSON response shows the data structure and describes the data items using additional comments (--). All three types of messages are shown.

  "DataList": [
      "dataType": 99,               -- fixed value 99
      "mmsi": 276859000,            -- ship identifier
      "name": "mystar",             -- ship name
      "msgType": "SHIP_RUSH_END",   -- message type (3 types in use)
      "msgText": "Laivan viimeinen ajoneuvo Tyynenmerenkadulle klo 09:52",       -- message text in Finnish
      "location": "Tyynenmerenkatu",                                             -- approx. target location in string
      "pointGeom": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[24.922039,60.15717]}",  -- approx. target location by coordinates WGS84
      "tsEpocMs": 1684133520000,        -- timestamp (in epoc ms) of message creation 
      "tsString": "23-05-15 09:52",     -- timestamp in string
      "tsQuery": "2023-05-15 11:26:23.30981+03",                    -- timestamp of this query
      "periodInMin": 360                                            -- history period limit that was given in the API call
      "dataType": 99,
      "mmsi": 276859000,
      "name": "mystar",
      "msgType": "SHIP_RUSH_START",
      "msgText": "Laivan ajoneuvot saapuvat Tyynenmerenkadulle klo 09:37",
      "location": "Tyynenmerenkatu",
      "pointGeom": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[24.922039,60.15717]}",
      "tsEpocMs": 1684132620000,
      "tsString": "23-05-15 09:37",
      "tsQuery": "2023-05-15 11:26:23.30981+03",
      "periodInMin": 360
      "dataType": 99,
      "mmsi": 276859000,
      "name": "mystar",
      "msgType": "SHIP_ARR_EST",
      "msgText": "Laivan arvioituun saapumiseen noin 5 minuuttia klo 09:28",
      "location": "Länsisatama 2",
      "pointGeom": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[24.9139,60.14879]}",
      "tsEpocMs": 1684132080000,
      "tsString": "23-05-15 09:28",
      "tsQuery": "2023-05-15 11:26:23.30981+03",
      "periodInMin": 360
    }, . . . 
Port of Helsinki

Arctic Machine Oy / Infotripla

Arctic Machine Oy / Infotripla

Service support